Frequent Shopper Card Sweepstakes


Account Specific SweepstakesOur Challenge: 

Novartis is the leader in the gastro intestinal category facing increased competitive pressures at Kroger. The retailer challenged the Sales Team to develop a strong activation effort that targeted their category shopper base.

Account Specific Loyalty Card


Our Solution: 

Design a sweepstakes campaign tied to the multiply Kroger loyalty card programs. The incentive was delivered via Kroger digital properties, header card displays, weekly circulars, and direct to home mailings. Multiple prizes were made available for shoppers within each Kroger division.


Our Consumer: 

Shoppers were offered a chance to win a trip for 2 to the big race (Daytona 500) in Florida or one of 10 chances for an in-store $1,000 shopping spree. Each time a consumer used their loyalty card within the sweepstakes time period an entry was automatically submitted.


Sweepstakes Frequent Shopper Card Sweepstakes


Click on an image below to go to that campaign..

Integrated Consumer Promotion Facebook Digital CouponNew Product Launch Campaign
Targeted Sampling ProgramCoupon CampaignLoyalty Card Sweepstakes
Mobile SAvings App Walmart Tie-in Loyalty Card Sweepstakes